Lean is a method of continuous experimentation to create value with fewer resources and less waste. Lean thinking can provide more value by:
- Improving the quality of work resulting from processes
- Reducing errors or defects in work processes
- Reducing costs
- Improving flow of a process
- Simplifying complex processes
- Reducing lead time
- Improving employee experience and engagement
When: 3 Sessions
Friday November 3rd 2023 from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Saturday November 4th 2023 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Sunday November 5th 2023 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
Pizza provided Friday night! Coffee and snacks provided Saturday and Sunday for your energy and focus. Lunch break on Saturday will take place around 12pm.
Students $625 (Only $575 before 10/13)
Professionals and Alumni $975 (Only $900 before 10/13)
The certification exam will take place on November 5th during the class time.
The cost of the exam is already included in the course registration cost, so there is no extra charge to you.